Guest Speaker: Samuel Ross Baker, Kiva Fellow with Apoyo Integral in El Salvador Speaks on Microfinancing

*Take a few moments to find out about Kiva and Apoyo Integral. Sam Baker, a graduate of Santa Clara University and now a Kiva Fellow working to promote microfinancing in rural El Salvador, will visit CISS on Wednesday, September 2 to add some "real-life perspective" to our economics course.

*Visit Kiva to learn about a website and movement that allows people to choose who and how they support others in need. . .moving away from the models which promote simple charity towards a new concept which helps people help other people help themselves.

*Read Sam's Article, "Mi Casa, Tu Casa: A Kiva Fellow at the Apoyo Intergral Field Partner in El Salvador," about his experience working to combine micro-financing and technical assistance in homebuilding to benefit those living in the Salvadoran countryside or "iPhone Water Pump" about merging technology and grass-roots development.